Conscious Evolution or Programmed Advancement

“ppl are completely programmed, living lies, spending more time attention seeking and faking. we are in the age of knowing so if you’re not enhancing awareness of self and right knowledge it really doesn’t matter what you do. they are very much caught up in a surreal world leaving their true selves under-developed, lacking purpose/direction.”- Akinfe Fatou

I read this comment to a post today and it really moved me to write. more on this topic..
Alex Grey Pictures, Images and Photos
The more we are connected to this internet & these online communities the more disconnected we become from this life & this Earth & its communities. We have known for too long that the more technologically advanced we become the less our human evolution advances & yet still we party, connect, post, upload, upgrade, & network instead of meditating, nourishing, focusing, Loving & elevating consciousness…

It has been brought to my awareness that the media is pushing a robotic agenda and I touched on this in my last blog. I have heard it being called “the dehumanization of humans and the humanization of robots.”

I have something to say:

I will not allow my evolution to be robotic… I AM hueman. I will not potray myself as a super powered robot but rather as a super powered Shaman. Id rather wear war paint then bullet proof armor… Id rather train for years then get implanted with a chip, to be stronger,better, faster. Id rather be tattooed to look like an ancient then a cartoon… I choose to walk aligned with the Earth and not with my inventions. The universe exists right here in our oceans and Earth… The Mayans could understand the movement of stars and the evolution of the universe better then modern day advanced scientist and scholars and so I will proudly be called a “primitive savage” following in their footsteps. If our “primitive: indigenous ancestors could live in harmony with the planet with little destruction caused by them and still feel wealthy, beautiful, happy and “successful” then so can I. I believe they call it primitive living but we call it living simply! Only taking and having (not hoarding) what you need in order to be at peace with the land and other Earth communities is our respnsibility . It should be noted the few simple indigenous tribes still left have virtually no crime (rape, incest, murder) or psychological diseases. Furthermore, I dont understand why we need to go searching for water on other Planets when ours is covered with it… The truth is: if we have destroyed our planet and not learned to live in harmony with the ecosystems that have existed in harmony with each other for centuries… if we have exterminated entire species (animal & plant) and ecosystems in neglect and ignorance then what will we do on a “new” planet? will our superior technology “teach” us how to live in harmony? Will our technology destroy less things then it does now with the toxins they release. Will we create less garbage and toxins in general? Will another planet be able to sustain our terrorizing ways and destructive lifestyles.

I mean… we as humans have had a history of paying more attention to our technological advancements then our humanity… we have destroyed species and ecosystems just to advance our wealth and comfort. Will we ever learn that we need to focus on our evolution without external alterations in order to truly advance in a symbiotic relationship with this planet and all other life or any other planet and life forms? Other cultures have proven that this can be done. We see extraordinary feats of strength and endurance from martial artists… We have felt extraordinary compassion and belonging from those who have cultivated their spiritual awareness. We experience our most profound moments when in the darkness with only one other human… we call it making Love. In that moment of bliss/orgasm you are not thinking of your car, your house, your electronics, ur FB or twitter or tumbler of blogspot account… You have no yearning for a new dress, pair of kicks or dvd… all external things fall away and for a moment you experience the most profound sense of bliss and unity we can ever feel… is this not the ultimate teacher and truth? WE WILL NOT EVOLVE by continuing to use the methods we have been using!

And as we face more influences then ever in forms of media through out newspapers, radios, television, computers, ipads, iphones, cell phones, psps, ipods, mp3s, satelite radios, utube, etc., etc., etc., we must work harder then ever to nourish and protect our consciousness.

mother father and child alex grey

With all these technological advances we are also seeing amazing strides in organic farming and produce… and re-familiarization and general acceptance of natural medicine and practices such as yoga, meditation and we are seeing a more open attitude and greater compassion in general by humans all over the planet. And I say that because I want to make it clear that this blog should not scare anyone or anger anyone… I am not calling for a revolution but rather a holding on to out natural human evolution by developing our consciousness.  Today and everyday should be a testimony to our growth in consciousness and positive, “right” minded development of attitude and character. We should be living every moment as the gods and goddesses we pray to, meditate on or invoke. I have learned more and more as the days pass in my life that revolting against something is not necessarily growing towards something. So, I no longer wish to start a revolution… I wish to start a movement.I move towards conscious evolution.

Alex grey Pictures, Images and Photos

~ by A.I.808.Consciousness on June 4, 2010.

One Response to “Conscious Evolution or Programmed Advancement”

  1. *stands and claps* beautifully written!

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